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Birds of a Feather

May 17, 2010

Former President Bill Clinton, left, campaigns with Mark Critz

Johnstown, Pennsylvania: Sunday evening, former President Bill Clinton came to Western Pennsylvania to campaign for Jack Murtha’s former aid, Mark Critz.  Clinton fired-up the local Democrats (something Critz has been unable to do) which, according to the latest PPP Poll, the Critz campaign needs a little (or a lot) of if they are going to keep the May 18th special election close.

It is rather odd that the DCCC and Critz campaign chose to bring in the former President, especially since the Democrat congressional candidate has been linked to so many ethical “lapses”, it would seem pairing him with a former President, who had his own ethical misgivings, might only draw more attention to Critz’s faux pas.

As you remember, President Bill Clinton was Impeached for Perjury, had a sexual affair while in the White House (others while Governor of Arkansas), obstructed justice in the Paula Jones case as well as a long term financial investigation into the failed Whitewater Deal.

Critz, on the other hand recently had campaign adds pulled from Sinclair Broadcasting, including WPGH in Pittsburgh, due to their false claims, managed a company that had multiple tax violations while he was in charge of finances and has already been investigated by the Congressional Ethics Committee even though he has never served as a Congressman.

Why the Democrats would choose to put these two unethical birds of a feather in the same nest is beyond any rational thought, but desperate people will resort to desperate acts and, as we all know, Obama and Pelosi really need this one.

The special election in PA-12 is on Tuesday, May 18th.

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