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Tim Burns Moneybomb

April 16, 2010

Tim Burns (R)

Thursday night’s keynote speaker at the “Take Back Washington” rally in Latrobe, PA Republican Senatorial candidate Pat Toomey gave a rousing speech comparing and contrasting himself with his two Democrat challengers Arlen Specter and Joe Sestak.  Although he is a candidate asking for votes in his own very tough race, Toomey spent a large portion of his speaking time singing the praises of a fellow speaker, PA-12 congressional candidate Tim Burns. Toomey said;

“We must do everything we can to elect Tim Burns in the 12th Congressional District.  Go home tonight, talk to your friends, talk to your family, talk to your neighbors, America needs Tim Burns in Congress.”

I agree.  Conservatives all over America must make sure that Tim Burns wins the May 18th special election to replace John Murtha.

Tim Burns is a true conservative. He founded the first Washington County Tea Party (PA), is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a believer in the sanctity of life.  Tim has pledged to Repeal and Replace ObamaCare and wants to use his experience as a businessman to help create jobs.  Most importantly, Tim Burns does not want to reduce the deficit, he wants to eliminate it!

This weekend, Joe “Big F-ing Deal” Biden is coming to Western PA to raise money for Tim Burns’ Democrat challenger.  In response, we conservatives need to step up and show our support for Tim Burns.

It is time for a Money Bomb!

Please help.  Do what you can to support this conservative candidate!  Donate to his campaign, blog about Tim Burns and ask your readers to support him, share Tim’s moneybomb message on Twitter, Facebook and any other social networking that you use.

We need more conservative voices in Congress.  With your support, we can have Tim Burns sworn in and fighting for America on May 19th.  Support Tim Burns!

Use the following message on Twitter, Facebook or any other social network:

America needs @TimothyBurns in Congress to stop the Pelosi agenda! Support Tim, Moneybomb NOW

Or direct people to his website:

Please, do not sit on the sidelines.  Click HERE to Support Tim Burns.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. greenestoffice permalink
    April 16, 2010 8:59 am

    Nice site dear you given a lots of information here


  1. Joe “Big F-ing Deal” Biden: Afraid to Step Foot in PA-12 « Red Dog Report

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